Tuesday, January 29, 2013

2 more days!

2 more days (or sooner) until we get to meet baby girl!
I am scheduled to be induced bright and early on Thursday morning- one day after my due date. Boy oh boy, I feel HUGE, uncomfortable, and cranky! I am so ready to hold her in my arms and cannot wait to see who she looks like!
Weston is so excited and asks if we can "go get baby sister" all the time. He is more than ready too. 
We just got our first shipment of newborn diapers in the mail last night and Chad and I laughed so hard when we opened them and saw how small they are compared to Weston's diapers! Two in diapers can be a little challenging so maybe by the middle to end of February I should start working on potty training the little man. Hey, we are going to be stuck indoors with a newborn anyway right?!


  1. So exciting! Not to get off the baby subject but your bedding is super cute! did you make the pillows?
