Sunday, February 10, 2013

Helen Josephine

She's here!!!
Helen made her debut on Thursday January 31, 2013 at 6:25am. I was supposed to be induced that morning at 6am, but she decided to come on her own. I started having contractions around 11:30 the night before. By 12:30 my water broke and we headed for the hospital. At 4am I had my epidural and by 5:15 I was fully dilated!!!! It all happened so fast. The doctor who examined me did not even call the doctor who was going to deliver Helen until she had checked me. So needless to say I had to fight the urge to push for a little over an hour! It was extremely painful and uncomfortable. Thank goodness he finally showed up and 2 pushes later Helen was born!!

Of course we think she is just the cutest little thing there is! I love her round, chunky face and can just kiss her cheeks a thousand times a day. I love rubbing my face against her fuzzy, dark hair and even her cry is so stinkin' adorable! Weston loves her to pieces. I caught him the other day talking to her and saying "What's the matter, Sweetheart?" So cute! 
Life with two kiddos is a challenge. Right now Helen needs me at all times. She nurses every two hours and if I am not holding her she is pretty crabby. She likes to snuggle. :) I LOVE snuggling with her, but Weston also needs attention. Last week my mom helped out. This week my grandmother will be helping out two days and my mother one day. So I will be on my own a few days. Ahhhhh! A little nervous. Weston is wonderful with Helen, but he is definitely acting out. Not sure if this is the case of the terrible twos or jealously? Maybe a little of both. Whatever it is, I need to nip it soon or he will be totally out of control. The past few nap times in the big boy bed has not went over too well. Today it took Chad 45 minutes to get him to stay in his bed. He just laughs at us. Lil' stinker. And the child has been in time out multiple times this weekend! Ahhhhh (again)! My super mom powers will need to be here by tomorrow morning. Not sure how I will handle it all? TONS of moms do it, so I can too, right? I think I can, I think I can...
Enough complaining! We are SO blessed and so excited to welcome Helen into our family. Life is amazing and we are loving every minute... time outs, tantrums, poopy diapers, and all! :)

1 comment:

  1. I can only imagine the adjustment you guys are going through! So exciting but like you said has its challenges too. I'm sure Weston is just testing the water... :)
